Mizzen’s Greatest Hits of 2021
Billboard has its hit parade. Nielsen has its ratings. Merriam-Webster has its words of the year. And, back by popular demand, Mizzen has its greatest hits.
This is the mixtape of go-to activities you sought out most throughout the past year to support, engage and empower young people — and to inspire their creativity, curiosity and love of learning. Whether working with students in person, online, in big outdoor spaces or small group settings, you used Mizzen’s content to infuse STEM, the arts, social and emotional learning, team building and community service into afterschool and summer experiences.Without further ado, here are your top 10 hits of 2021:
#1 Go Feel: An Emotion Word Game | SEL Activity for grades 3-5
#2 20 Questions | 21st Century Skills activity for grades 3-5
#3 “Shape” Your Own Touch-and-Feel Book | STEM activity for grades K-2
#4 Making Comics: Part I: Character and Setting | First in a series of arts and literacy activities for grades 3-12
#5 A Logo for You | College and career readiness activity for grades 6-8
#6 High Five | A 21st century skills activity for grades K-8
#7 A Day at Our Zoo | STEM activity for grades K-2
#8 All About Me | SEL activity for grades K-2
#9 Draw a Scientist | STEM activity for grades K-12
#10 Clay Projects Inspired by MesoAmerican Culture | Module of arts projects for grades 3-8